Padua Ridge Gravel Mine - Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Located in the Town of Dix, New York
It’s Greener Now, Inc. (IGN) currently owns and operates a sand and gravel mining operation in the
Town of Dix, Schuyler County, known as the Padua Ridge Gravel Mine (MLF # 80244) (the “Padua
Ridge Mine”). IGN seeks a modification of its Mined Land Reclamation Law (MLRL) permit (8-4424-
00006/00001) for the Padua Ridge Mine to add 60.95 +/- acres to the currently approved 14.33 acre
Affected Area boundary. Such modification, if granted, will bring the total Life-of-Mine Affected Area
to 75.28+/- acres on properties comprising approximately 281 acres.
This Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) has been prepared to assess the potential
environmental impacts associated with this proposed modification in accordance with a Final Scoping
Outline dated August 18, 2008 (Appendix H). Since the Final Scoping Outline was issued, the proposal
has been revised to further mitigate or eliminate potential environmental impacts. These revisions
include elimination of a proposed material transport tunnel under NYS Route 409, elimination of a
proposed rail siding, a reduction in the Life-of-Mine affected area and a reduction in the depth of mining
to eliminate any mining below the local seasonal groundwater table.