
JMT’s work on the Penn’s Landing Redevelopment Study in Philadelphia was honored at the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) annual Engineering Excellence Awards gala on April 21, 2015 with a National Recognition Award.

The study for the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation is the base for the revitalization of Philadelphia’s waterfront. Public improvements costing around $250 million will include, among other changes, a 12-acre park partially constructed over I-95. The park improves visibility and connectivity between the city and river’s edge, and addresses a complex elevation change of more than 20 feet. The plan will facilitate $703 million of phased private development over a 20-year period in a series of appropriately-scaled structures flanking the proposed park. Economic analyses concluded that the project will yield a dramatic $1.6 billion in additional tax revenues over a 40-year period.

The 5,000 member firms of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) represent more than 500,000 employees throughout the country.  Since 1967, U.S. engineering firms have entered their most innovative projects and studies in ACEC’s annual Engineering Excellence Awards program (EEA)—”the Academy Awards of the engineering industry”—which honors the year’s most outstanding engineering accomplishments.

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