
Bicyclists and other outdoor enthusiasts joined Governor Jack A. Markell, U.S. Senators Chris Coons and Tom Carper, U.S. Representative John Carney, and other Delaware officials for a ribbon cutting ceremony marking the official opening of the C&D Canal trail.

The new $6 million Michael N. Castle Trail stretches nearly nine miles along the north bank of the C&D Canal. Designed as a multi-use pathway, not only bicyclists and pedestrians but also equestrians and anglers have been accommodated. Upon its completion, the trail will extend 16 miles between Delaware City, Delaware, and Chesapeake City, Maryland.

Markell remarked, “This pathway is going to be enjoyed by generations to come. …I can’t wait to get out here.”

The trail is a key part of the First State Trails and Pathways Initiative led by the Delaware Department of Transportation and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, encouraging outdoor recreation and ecotourism. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which owns and operates the canal, also is a strong partner to the project.

The trail is officially named for Castle, who served two terms as governor and nine terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was the guest of honor at the ribbon cutting ceremony.

JMT provided a variety of services, from planning through final design of the project.  Learn more about our involvement here.

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