Delaware Long-Range Transportation Plan

JMT provided transportation planning, land use analysis, policy analysis, graphics, and public involvement to support the development of Delaware's Long-Range Transportation Plan.


Statewide, DE


Delaware Department of Transportation

JMT worked collaboratively with DelDOT Planning staff to prepare a 2010 update to Delaware’s 2002 Statewide Transportation Plan. The 2011 plan built upon the 2002 plan by refining goals, objectives, and strategies to meet a variety of transportation needs and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirements for a plan update. The plan’s components included: plan summary, policy plan, financing strategies, implementation and performance measures, technical report, and appendices.

The Statewide Long-Range Transportation plan provides a 20-year view of the principles, policies, actions, and performance measures that will shape future transportation investments in the state of Delaware. This plan envisions a statewide transportation network that reflects the ideas and statewide strategies for policies, spending, and new policies and initiatives of the current administration.

This plan was augmented by other DelDOT planning efforts as well as planning efforts of other transportation agencies and organizations at the state, county, and municipal level.

JMT developed a plan that provides options for improving services to travelers and financing strategies as well as means of measuring the quality of service provided by DelDOT. The plan also addresses federal requirements considering FHWA’s SAFETEA-LU elements and performance measures.

The planning process served as a way to develop and present a common vision and purpose that was shared among all customers and stakeholders. The planning process built upon the vision by identifying goals, objectives, and planning principles as a framework for strategies guiding future investments. Performance measures were used to ensure a high quality of life for all users of the transportation system.