City of Elizabeth Traffic Signal Design and Construction Inspection Services
City of Elizabeth Traffic Signal Design and Construction Inspection Services
JMT completed traffic engineering and related services for three new signals along North Avenue in the City of Elizabeth, at its intersections with Madison, Monroe, and Adams avenues.
JMT first prepared a traffic engineering study at each intersection to evaluate operation and to establish signal timing changes, as needed. Our full-service approach included land surveying, traffic signal and electrical engineering design, roadway design, and preparation of final design plans, specifications, and contract documents. All final submissions were supported by bidding services and construction inspection services.
The traffic signal improvements for all three locations included new traffic signal poles, mast arms, and 12-inch LED heads with a Union County standard controller cabinet and generator transfer switch. ADA-compliant ramps and tactile pedestrian push buttons were installed to support pedestrian traffic. JMT staff designed the improvements per the current standards of NJDOT, MUTCD, and Union County. Engineering designs and PS&E submissions complied with the NJDOT Municipal Aid project delivery process, and construction inspection services complied with the NJDOT Local Aid process.
Post-design services proceeded for the intersection of North Avenue and Madison Avenue, during which time JMT supported the City throughout the construction of the new signal. JMT traffic engineering design staff oversaw construction activities on site, reviewed compliance with design plans, and communicated any design changes in the field. Staff completed daily inspection reports, photo logs and prepared as-built plans.