City of New Bern, NC - Project Bid
Qualifying contractors are invited to bid on the City of New Bern, NC – Racetrack Road Widening project
Project Description
Base bid to include pavement repair, widening, leveling, resurfacing, and pavement markings
on Racetrack Road (NS-95553) between Elizabeth Avenue (NS-96833) and the Norfolk
Southern railroad tracks.
- Alternate 1 to include replacement of a 36” reinforced concrete pipe with two (2) 36”
reinforced concrete pipes. - Alternate 2 to include pavement repair, leveling, resurfacing, and pavement markings on
Racetrack Road (NS-95553) between the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks and Neuse
Boulevard (NC 55).
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Pre-bid Meeting:
A pre-bid meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 1:00 pm at the City of New Bern City
Street Division Building at 1004 South Glenburnie Road, New Bern, NC 28560. Attendance at the
pre-bid meeting is encouraged but not required.
A Virtual Attendance option will also be provided:
Join Zoom Meeting
Call In: (929) 205 6099 Meeting ID: 871 0644 4477
Sealed bid for this work will be received by:
Sealed bids will be received by the City of New Bern (Owner), at the City of New Bern City Street
Division Building located at 1004 South Glenburnie Road, New Bern, NC 28560, until June 27, 2023
at 1:00 pm for the Racetrack Road Widening.
At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all bids that have been duly received will be publicly
opened and read aloud.
Download Bid Documents:
Contract Bid Documents (PDF)
Plan Documents (PDF)
Plans and Bid Documents are also on file for examination at City of New Bern City Street Division Building,
1004 South Glenburnie Road, New Bern, NC 28560, and at the office of JMT, 3115 Trent Street, New
Bern, NC 28560. Bid Documents and Construction Drawings may be obtained from the Consulting
Engineer upon receipt of a $75.00 Non-Refundable Plan/Bid Document Fee.
All questions related to this project during the advertisement period shall be submitted to Kyle Compton,
PE, Project Engineer, at the office of the Engineer (email address is