
As part of our continued commitment to responsible design, JMT has become part of an elite group of Envision™ qualified companies as a sustaining member of the Institute of Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI). In addition, several JMT employees have already become certified Envision™ Sustainability Professionals.

ISI, a nonprofit organization, is “structured to develop and maintain a sustainability rating system for civil infrastructure,” according to its website. This system, Envision™, is a collaboration between ISI and the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. Envision™ provides a framework for evaluating and rating the various benefits of infrastructure projects. “It evaluates, grades, and gives recognition to infrastructure projects that use transformational, collaborative approaches to assess the sustainability indicators over the course of the project’s life cycle.”

Similar to how LEED® ratings are used for vertical structures, such as buildings, the Envision™ system is used to evaluate roads, bridges, pipelines, water treatment systems, airports,  and other civil infrastructure.

ISI was founded by the American Council of Engineering Companies, the American Public Works Association, and the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Click here to learn how you can become involved with ISI.

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