
The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT), Civil Rights Section, honored JMT’s years of dedicated work with an Award of Recognition for “contributions in the advancement of DelDOT civil rights through your work on compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.”

JMT has worked with DelDOT for several years to develop a statewide pedestrian action plan with the purpose to make the accommodation of people with disabilities a routine and integral part of planning, design, construction, operations, and maintenance activities. Our early tasks included taking inventory and assessing the accessibility of pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way across Delaware, developing an app for handheld GPS devices to collect feature locations on site, and constructing a database and mapping application to support viewing, analysis, and report generation.

As part of this project, a resulting assignment was the DelDOT Pedestrian Accessibility Standards for Facilities in the Public Right of Way. This document, published in the Delaware Register of Regulations, identifies desired and minimum standards for DelDOT to follow during the design and construction of transportation facilities, such as sidewalks and crosswalks, in order to meet or exceed the U.S. Department of Transportation’s standards for the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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