Ashley River Access Sites
Ashley River Access Sites
JMT developed two Ashley River access sites, at Bacon’s Bridge and Swan Drive, to provide safe and convenient river access for locals and visitors. The main purpose for these two sites is to provide ADA-compliant “carry-down only” river access for adventurers to launch their canoes and kayaks. Other amenities include parking, landscaping, an entry drive, and a path/boardwalk to each launch.
Our team provided site layout and design, environmental permitting (including NEPA documentation, DHEC-OCRM, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers coordination), land disturbance permitting, and construction administration for these projects.
At the Swan Drive site, a timber boardwalk crossing low-lying wetlands ties the parking to the river access. At the river, a concrete boat launch allows the public to easily access the water. The Bacon’s Bridge site includes a paved sidewalk that runs parallel to Bacon’s Bridge Road to a concrete boat ramp on the river.
The County used grants and funds from various sources to construct these projects. JMT worked closely with the County to provide the appropriate documentation for each of the funding sources and worked quickly to meet the required timeframes for obligating the funds and constructing the sites.
Additional services included providing ground run topographic mapping prepared in conformity with the South Carolina minimum standards for land surveys, as well as hydrologic and hydraulic modeling mitigation design.