Checked Baggage Inspection System

JMT (formerly ECM) provided construction management services for the upgraded replacement of the checked baggage system at El Paso International Airport.


El Paso, TX


El Paso International Airport



As part of a decades long relationship with El Paso International Airport, JMT was hired to manage the construction of the Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS). JMT provided full-time, on-site project and construction management, including scope analysis, scheduling and constructability reviews. JMT also coordinated activities with airport facilities, operations and maintenance, and security and IT personnel.

The CBIS project involved the complete replacement of the existing baggage handling system with new equipment that provides for more effective and efficient operations. The work included the installation of a temporary check baggage inspection station and the construction of a new 30,000 SF single-story enclosed building that serves as the airport’s baggage system with fully automated conveyor lines divided into three sections: check baggage inspection system, check baggage resolution area, and the baggage make-up unit.

JMT also managed the interior remodel and renovation of office areas behind the terminal building’s ticket counters, upgrades to existing ticket counter areas and improvements to airfield site entries and tuck courts.