Lycoming County Historic Preservation Consultant
Lycoming County Historic Preservation Consultant
JMT worked with Lycoming County and the City of Williamsport, PA to update its existing historic resource inventory and provide guidance for future historic preservation activities as part of the County’s ongoing master plan efforts.
JMT architectural historians conducted background research to establish a brief historical context of each of the three settlements targeted for survey: Williamsport, Jersey Shore, and Muncy. This phase included research through the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, county repositories, libraries, local museums, and historical societies. From this research, historic contexts was developed for each survey area.
Our architectural historians used an adaptable portable survey application to complete reconnaissance level surveys of the three settlements. After completing these surveys, JMT provided Lycoming County with a list of resources that warranted further study and documentation as the next part of its planning efforts. Additionally, our architectural historians assessed existing historic preservation regulations and provided recommendations to the county based on specific goals, while prioritizing the preservation of the best examples of surveyed historic resources.
Using our customizable digital survey application allows for real-time data transmission to streamline field work and provides the County with a manageable database, interactive map of inventoried historic resources and photographs, and eliminates the need for paper forms. The JMT Technology Group created the application to merge seamlessly and import data into the Commonwealth’s Cultural Resources Geographic Information System.