Theodore Roosevelt Island

JMT prepared a Cultural Landscape Report/Environmental Assessment and Assessment of Effect for ecologically-diverse Roosevelt Island.


Washington, DC


National Park Service

Situated in the middle of the Potomac River, the 88-acre park is a memorial to the 26th president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. The island has great diversity, representing three major ecological zones: upland forest, swamp, and tidal marsh.

JMT was retained to prepare a combined Cultural Landscape Report/Environmental Assessment (CLR/EA) and Assessment of Effect (AOE) for the Island and associated mainland area beginning in 2016. The project area was located within two historic districts – the Theodore Roosevelt Island and the George Washington Memorial Parkway. JMT conducted a comprehensive analysis of Theodore Roosevelt Island’s cultural landscape and public amenities.

The CLR/EA and AOE documented and evaluated those character-defining features that make the island landscape eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. It also provided recommendations on the preservation and treatment of the property consistent with the landscape’s significance, condition, and planned use. The JMT team also identified appropriate improvements to the public amenities for Theodore Roosevelt Island, while complying with NEPA and NHPA and protecting park resources.

This project is an example of work done within a Historic District as well as within a cultural landscape. The work involved a variety of tasks, including Section 106 and Section 110 coordination, NEPA analysis, wetland mitigation, and facilities planning.